Nursery school


In our nursery school we dedicated to the healthy development of children, in Liceo Britanico de Mexico, A.C. we epitomizes cooperation between home and school and between people of many ethnicities and cultures. We strive to form attitudes of acceptance, which will build better communities in a better world.


Young children learn through play, and can not be rushed through an activity – children need choice of what to play with, they may need to be uninterrupted and have time to play alone, or with others in a safe and supervised environment. A skilled early childhood practitioner provides plenty of opportunity for play and structures it only by providing different resources, which can be used in a range of ways.


With responsive, observant teachers, who guide, and gently challenge children we can build up a holistic picture of your child’s preferences and responses to the world around them. This then allows us to structure play that fits with a child’s passion as well as tentatively plan for learning outcomes. Essentially, children point the direction and we provide the platform.

Our facilities and additional services


Value’s aducation

Values campaign and reinforcement


After school programme: 14:30 to 20:00

Meals and cafeteria services

Homework orientation workshop



Community programme:


Education related talls

Extra Academic help

Educational psychologist and orientation

Consultancy service


8:00am - 2:00pm

Liceo Británico de México A.C.

International Education

Av. 2 Pte 3314, Amor, Puebla, pue.

57 Poniente 110, El Cerrito, Puebla, pue.


2018 Buenos Tiempos/ Todos los Derechos Reservados D.R.®




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